Alexander's Tree Farm

6354 Sterner Rd., Dansville NY 14437


585-335-3450 - During Buisness Hours Only


Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 - 4:00

November 18'th to December 10'th

Plus a Special "Green" Friday, November 24'th, 1:00 - 4:00


Our Trees
Our Wreaths
Our Christmas Store
Your Visit
Our History
The New York State Fair

"You Know it's Fresh, when you cut it yourself!"


 Alexander's Tree Farm Christmas Store

We hope you'll consider us for your Christmas decorating, gift exchange or stocking stuffers.
Rosie and Denise search near and far each year to bring you a wide assortment of items, styles, and prices.

bulletTree Toppers
bulletDoor Knobbers

bulletTea Sets
bulletChristian ornaments
bulletG-scale trains
bulletWreath stands
bulletStocking Stuffers
bulletTree Stands


 Our Gift Shop occupies a 50' by 60' section of our barn. It's heated and has an area with picnic tables for customers to enjoy a snack, feed a baby, or let a grandmother relax while she waits for her more energetic family to find their tree. We have a lighted Victorian village with a working HO train running through and around it, plus an outdoor G scale train.


6354 Sterner Rd. | Dansville, NY 14437 | (585) 335-8282 |
Last update: Friday, October 21, 2022 .
Member Christmas Tree Farmers Association of NY

MasterCard and Visa accepted              Christmas Tree Farmers Association of NY Inc.